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About us

The Samusocial of Brussels provides assistance to homeless people and to asylum seekers. Its missions consist of:

  • Intervening close to people in distress, people who are wandering in the streets of Brussels, in order to offer them primary assistance (accommodation, medical care, psychological assistance, meals, shower);
  • Reestablishing a humanitarian relationship and, if the person whishes so, to lead him/her towards street exit solutions.

The Samusocial of Brussels welcomes more than 1,500 homeless persons every night in Brussels.

The help provided is immediate, thanks to the action of our mobile teams and to our emergency reception centers. However, this help is also meant to support homeless people over a very long period of time. Indeed, our main goal is to lead homeless people towards realistic solutions in order to get them off the street.

The Samusocial of Brussels has developed and implemented different reception centers with the purpose to offer the most accurate assistance and accompaniment, depending and based on the person being helped.

Improve the person’s actual situation and lead her/him towards solutions to get off the street.



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